
Arda had his first taste of performing in 2013 as the youngest member of the I.T.F. Taekwondo demo team. However, it soon became clear to him that dancing is his true passion.

De Dansfabriek in Nieuwegein introduced Arda to dancing. In 2015, he was scouted by JME agency and performed at events such as weddings, dinner shows, and beauty pageants. In 2016, he switched to Touchée Dance Company and quickly became part of World of Afro, which was still in its early stages. After training in various styles (Afro, Hip hop, Locking, Popping, and House), Arda began teaching different styles to groups at Touchée in 2022. He also joined the teaching team of We Are On The Move.

In 2021, Serge Koffi invited Arda to Ivory Coast, where he immersed himself in the culture and learned about dance styles like Zaouli, Ndombolo, and especially Coupé Décalé. In 2022, Arda returned to Ivory Coast, where he appeared on national TV three times within two weeks at big dance competitions like Varietoscope and Wozo, performing in packed stadiums.

Besides dancing, in 2023, Arda began studying Information Science at Utrecht University and finds joy in producing music. Arda specializes in Afrohouse, Coupé Décalé, Azonto, and Hip hop. He dances in his own unique way, combining various dance styles while staying true to the foundations. Arda continues to develop as a versatile choreographer, teacher, and dancer.



  • REBUILD | Performed and mixed the music for a full theater show | Choreographed by Precious Alvares
  • Touchée “Unique” shows | Performed as the lead role during 4 shows in Tivoli Vredenburg and assisted behind the scenes


  • BASE shows We Are On The Move | Choreographed two showcases to perform in Bijlmer Parktheater
  • Participated in battles | Reached the top 4 at ‘Afrodrip’, won the afro category at ‘Byou events’ and competed in a selected team at ‘International Dance League’


  • Performed different showcases with WOA in The Netherlands and Belgium | Choreographed by Precious Alvares